Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday, February 29

English 7-1:

  • Vocab and Latin roots test on Friday
  • send vocab review results to Mrs. Cooper
Science 7-1:

Science 7-2:
  • Notes on Ch. 8 section 1
Science 8-1, 8-2:
  • Ch 8 section 3 notes 
  • FL manners worksheet
  • Brainstorm for Authentic Assessment Assignment on ROTHMC 

*** Happy Leap Day***

Wednesday, February 24, 2016



7th Grade

Science-  ISN due Monday
Religion- self-grade comp book, complete unit 4 review on pg. 55-56, Station 2 reflection in comp book, TEST TOMORROW,  comp book due tomorrow 

8th Grade

8-2 Science-  no homework
8-1 Science- no homework


G.E.M. of the month is ~ COMPASSION

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


7th Grade

Music-   test tomorrow
7-1 English- vocab completing the sentences and verbals worksheet
Science-  Chapter review completed and ISN up to date and Tomorrow- ISN due monday
Religion- complete worksheet started in class

8th Grade

8-2 Science-  study for quiz on wednesday
8-1 Science- make sure ISN is up to date

End of trimester is approaching- ENDS FEBRUARY 26 and NO SCHOOL

G.E.M. of the month is ~ COMPASSION

Monday, February 22, 2016


7th Grade

Music-  this wednesday

7-1 English- vocab choosing the right word

Science-  Chapter review completed and ISN up to date and test wednesday

8th Grade

8-2 Science-  study for quiz on wednesday
8-1 Science- make sure ISN is up to date

End of trimester is approaching- ENDS FEBRUARY 26 and NO SCHOOL
G.E.M. of the month is ~ COMPASSION

Thursday, February 18, 2016


7th Grade

Music-  test next week
7-1 English- * Final essay due on tomorrow + Vocab unit 9 test tomorrow* check Mrs. Cooper's blog for homework
7-2 English- study for vocab test tomorrow

Science-  finish DNA folding thing if not finished in class

8th Grade

Science-  chapter review due tomorrow

End of trimester is approaching- ENDS FEBRUARY 26 and NO SCHOOL
G.E.M. of the month is ~ COMPASSION

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


7th Grade

Literature- work on edmodo document due tomorrow

Music-  test next week
7-1 English- * Final essay due on tomorrow + Vocab unit 9 test on Friday February 19* check Mrs. Cooper's blog for homework

Science-  section 2 review due tomorrow *bring scissors and colored pencils to 7-2 science*

8th Grade

Science-  no homework

End of trimester is approaching- ENDS FEBRUARY 26 and NO SCHOOL
G.E.M. of the month is ~ COMPASSION

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


7th Grade

Literature- work on edmodo document due thursday

Music-  the rest of the pages in worship aid write letter name of notes change from treble clef to base clef  
7-1 English- * Final essay due on Thursday + Vocab unit 9 test on Friday February 19*

Science-  finish DNA molecule

8th Grade

Science- make sure section 2 review is finished

End of trimester is approaching- ENDS FEBRUARY 26 and NO SCHOOL
G.E.M. of the month is ~ COMPASSION

Thursday, February 11, 2016


7th Grade

Literature- work on edmodo document due next thursday

Music-  the rest of the pages in worship aid write letter name of notes change from treble clef to base clef  
7-1 English- * Final essay due on Tuesday February 17 + Peer editing Monday February 16 + Vocab unit 9 test on Friday February 19*

Science-  finish lab analysis questions
History- finish ch. 13 section 1 cornell notes due tomorrow

8th Grade

Science- QUIZ TOMORROW- section review must be complete

End of trimester is approaching- ENDS FEBRUARY 26
G.E.M. of the month is ~ COMPASSION

Valentine's Day potluck tomorrow- not mandatory to bring anything

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


7th Grade

Religion- finish worksheet that was started in class today use video on edmodo to help you

Literature- continue presenting 

Music-  the rest of the pages in worship aid write letter name of notes 
7-1 English- * Final essay due on Tuesday February 17 + Peer editing Monday February 16 + Vocab unit 9 test on Friday February 19*

8th Grade

Science- Ch. 8 section 1 review due tomorrow



End of trimester is approaching- ENDS FEBRUARY 26

G.E.M. of the month is ~ COMPASSION

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


7th Grade

Religion- Read your Finding God textbook, pages 290-291; Write and illustrate a reflection of what lent means to you in your comp book. (Video on Lent was posted to Edmodo)

Literature- final project due tomorrow & we will begin presentations tomorrow

Music- pgs. 1-14 in worship aid write letter name of notes ( remember spaces spell FACE ) use little rhyme (every good boy does fine) for the lines- start from the bottom and go up

7-1 Science- answer questions on pg. 218 from lab 

7-1 English- complete the sentences in vocab book & complete infinitives worksheet due tomorrow
* Final essay due on Tuesday February 17 + Peer editing Monday February 16 + Vocab unit 9 test on Friday February 19*

8th Grade

Science- finish lab if needed


*NO P.E. tomorrow*  ASH WEDNESDAY - Alms Giving 


End of trimester is approaching- ENDS FEBRUARY 26

*Don't forget to bring money for church tomorrow*

G.E.M. of the month is ~ COMPASSION

Monday, February 8, 2016


No Homework

literature- presentations due Wednesday

Ash Wednesday and Alms Giving this Wednesday- Don't forget to bring money

Friday, February 5, 2016


7th grade science:  chapter 7 section 1 notes MUST be completed and in your ISN page 113 by Monday before class;  Section 1 review questions answered completely in your ISN page 115 by the end of class time Monday.

8th grade science:  Worksheet on covalent bonds of Hydrogen, questions 1-3 completed.

Literature:  Work on The 5 People You Meet in Heaven final project.

Religion: Unit 3 review questions completed (This is old homework, should already be finished~ )

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Tomorrow is Denim Day!

Eng. 7-1: 2 Worksheets, site and research your unlikely hero

Literature: continue to work on Five People You Meet In Heaven Project due Fri.

7th Grade Science:
Sci.- Notes Due Tom.
ISN Pages for 7th Grade:

p.109: Ch.6 Test and Reflection
p. 108: Punnett Square Quiz and Reflection
p. 110: Ch.7 cover page
p. 113 Section 1 Notes
p. 115 Chapter 7 Section 1 Review

Monday, February 1, 2016

Monday, February 1, 2016

Tomorrow is Pajama Day in celebration of Catholic Schools' Week (don't forget, you must wear shoes)


  • Literary Elements assignment due Tuesday at 7:45. Either a printed copy of your document or an emailed copy of your media presentation.
  • Benchmark test for all literary elements is Wednesday

  • Reflection assignment due Friday: choose one of the five bible verses and describe the connection to the novel The Five People You Meet in Heaven and connect to your life. Think about the SLEs when connecting. Final project must be illustrated. You may complete this assignment using Google docs, Google slides, or generate a hand drawn depiction. Clearly show your comprehension.

  • Novel Project: assignment is attached on Edmodo. Presentations will be next week. Choose topic to be approved by Mrs. Cooper this week. This counts as one test grade and one presentation grade. This is your chance to show off what you have learned.


  • Watch the video posted on Edmodo; "A message from Leah Darrow, Fashion + Modesty"
  • Write a reflection on the message presented in the video.
7th Grade Science:  No Homework
8th Grade Science:  Chapter 5 Test on Wednesday.  ISNs will be due on Wednesday.