Monday, October 31, 2016

English 7-1 Vocabulary Sentences Packet Due tomorrow
                  Pg 170 #'s 11-26 Due Wednesday
                  Pg 170-171 #'s 1-20 Due Wednesday

Math V-1 pg 127 #'s 54-71 Test Wednesday\
Math V-2 pg 98-99 #'s 1-15 odds & #'s 17,18,19

Science- Quiz Wednesday
Social Studies- Print pictures
Religion- Rubric and notebook due Thursday

Happy Halloween, Have a good day!!

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Tomorrow is our all school retreat!  

Free dress and lunch and snack are provided.


Don't forget to turn in your letter to Auggie,


 revise and type you English essay for Mrs. Cooper, print it at home and bring tomorrow.  

Social Studies

Type your panels for social studies, find 3-6 images and print!


Make sure your ISN is up to date;  all pages up to page 28 should be completed by Monday

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


English- type persuasive essay

Math- pg. 125-127 #'s 1-35 odd and 37-51 all

Social Studies- type chapter 6 section 2 paragraph

Science- Finish Webquest and color ISN pages 19-29


Monday, October 24, 2016

Math V-1 Pg 115 1-10 Quiz tomorrow

Math V-2 Pg 91-92 25-57 odds

English- Type persuasive Essay

Spanish- Vocab Test tomorrow

Social Studies- Two more paragraphs

Science- Pictures and definition, questions 12-24 in packet

Friday, October 21, 2016


Social Studies- Study for test on Monday on socrative (chapter 5 section 1) Five questions

Spanish- Study for Monday's Test on Matching the vocab

English- Type persuasive essay

Math- Accelerated and Khan Academy

Religion- Notebooks Due Wednesday October 26th, 2016



Thursday, October 20, 2016

Science- Finish webquest + quizzes

Math- Accelerated Math- pg. 113 #'s 1-27

Social Studies- 3 Paragraph and edit 1-3

English- Study for Pronoun quiz

Religion- Do essay and Religion study guide- study for test

Spanish- Matching Test Tuesday


Don't forget to turn in your permission slips Grant

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

English 7-1- Type your persuasive essay

Math V-1- pg. 109 1-28 all

Math Mr. Gray- pg. 80 3-30 all skip # 12

Social Studies- read chapter 5 section 3 pg. 138 - make sure you paragraphs 1 and 2 1st drafts are revised for the 1st draft.
Vote for our school at

English Mrs. Woolcock- Finish Project with drawing and model for extra credit

Religion- Finish study guide and do essay and print

Literature- Do comprehension questions on "The Monster are Due on Main Street.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016


English 7-1- write an introduction paragraph to your persuasive essay.  In your english book do pg. 285 #'s 1-8, pg. 286 #'s 21-25, pg. 287 #'s 1-16, pg. 288-289 #'s 1-16, pg. 289 #'s 13-17, pg. 291 #'s 1-33 ANSWERS ONLY due Wednesday.

Math V-1- pg. 108 #'s 11-19 all

Social Studies 7-2- Analyze the importance of family, labor, specialization and regional commerce and the development of states and cities in West Africa.  Make the first part show how the second part began. 

Science 7-2- Quiz Parts of a microscope and Cell Theory. Section 1

Don't forget to turn in all permission slip with money
and turn in gray folders!

Happy Dolan Twins Tuesday! Milanza and Adelina

Monday, October 17, 2016


Math- V-1- Math pg. 107-108 #'s 1-10 all ~ Math correction for the last quiz due tom.

7-2 Science- Directed Reading #'s 1-11

8th Grade Science- notes on analyzing data ~ Page 25 of your ISN

Social Studies- Paragraph (1st Draft) ~ Continent, Desert, Sahel, Vegetation Zones, Niger River, Natural Resources.\

Religion- Finish Reflections

Literature- Study your part in "The Monsters are Due on Maple Street".

Spanish- Study for Test

Have a good Monday :)

Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday, October 14, 2016

Social Studies 7-2: Edmodo assignment due Monday
Spanish: test Tuesday

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Essays for literature test

How does the narrator feel about her country of birth at the beginning of “MK”, and then at the end?  Do her feelings change?  If so, in what ways?  In an essay, discuss Jean’s feelings about China and her relationship to it.  Refer to events in the text to support your points.

In an essay, show how Harry’s feelings about his father change as the events of “Papa’s Parrot” unfold.  Begin by considering Harry’s feelings about his father at the beginning of the story.  Then follow Harry as he enters junior high school and deals with his father’s illness.  Cite examples from each part of the story to illustrate your statements. 

Science 7-1: Work on Section Review Questions 
Science 7-2: ISNs are due tomorrow; S1 review questions 1-8: Lab tomorrow 

Literature: Essays: typed, printed, test Friday

English 7-1: Vocab test w/ Latin roots, (prefixes, and suffixes: -ion, -ate); Write concession, conclusion sentence, and thesis statement (submit to Edmodo) by Friday

Religion: test Friday; Study Guide; Essay

Math V-1: review questions on p. 94 1-10; PHSchool quizzes; Lesson 1, 2, 3; Quiz tomorrow; Acc. Math

Social Studies 7-2: read chapter 4 section 1; Check your progress 1-6 all;  quiz; Remember to vote for Sts. Simon and Jude on Chase the Race: Link:

Turn in Field Trip/Book Forms

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

October 11, 2016

Literature: questions p. 30 1-7 (Papa's Parrot)
English (7-1): Jane Schaffer Templates due tomorrow; Completing the sentence (Vocab); Vocab test w/Latin roots Friday
Math (V-1): p. 91-92 #'s 21-57 odds; Quiz Thursday; Acc. Math (should be 60% to goal by Friday)
Math (Mr. Gray 7-1): p. 76 7-9, 19-30, and Acc. Math
Social Studies 7-2: Chapter 3 Section 3 (read); Check your progress 1-5 / Map Master  p. 78 due tomorrow
Spanish: Test Thursday; Spelling due Thursday;
Science (7-1): ISN's due tomorrow
Science (8th grade): QUIZ tomorrow
Turn in any Field Trip Forms/Book Form
PE tomorrow

October 11, 2016

Math V-1: p. 91-92 21-57 odds; quiz thursday; acc. math
Spanish - test thursday; spelling due thursday
Literature: questions p. 30 1-7
English - jane Schaffer template (2) due tomorrow; Vocab test w/Latin roots Friday; completing the sentence
Science (8th grade): quiz tomorrow; ISN's due
Social Studies (7-2): questions due tomorrow 1-5; Map master p. 78 due tomorrow
PE tomorrow
Field Trip Forms/Book Forms

Monday, October 10, 2016

Monday, October 11, 2016

English (7-1): Vocabulary test Friday w/Latin roots; Jane Schaffer Template completed
Science (8th grade): Don't forget quiz on Wednesday; Extra credit if you can bring in pennies dated 1981 or older.
Spanish: Quiz tomorrow
Science (7-2): Update ISN (cover page, table of contents, read txtbk pg.114-119)
Math (V-1): p. 91 1-9 odds; 10-11, 13-19 odds; quiz Wednesday; Acc. Math
Social Studies (7-2): Islam poster due tomorrow
Religion: Reflection on leadership; share document with nominated person for GEM to; Title it (last, GEM leadership)
Turn in any Field Trip Forms/Money
Bring in Box Tops!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Friday, October 7

Social Studies (7-2): Storyboard due 10/10
Math (V-1): Acc. Math/Khan Academy (optional)
Math (Mr. Gray): Acc. Math if not 50% to goal
English (7-1): finish graphic organizer; vocabulary test w/ latin roots on Friday

Have a good weekend!!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thursday, October 6

Literature - Test tomorrow on "The Fall of the Hindenburg" and "The Three-Century Old Woman"  Read over the worksheets, story, etc.  Questions p. 20 #'s 1-4 + 4 Vocabulary words due (if typed print out)
Math (V-1) - p. 84 1-39 odds; Acc. Math
Science: Open ISN test tomorrow
Social Studies (7-2): Storyboard due 10/10
 Religion: test tomorrow; type and print out essay if you don't want to have to re-write it during test tomorrow
FREE DRESS - to anyone who donated a gift card to the auction

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Wednesday, October 6

English (7-1): Finish graphic organizer; Vocabulary Choosing the Right Word; Possible quiz next week
Math (Mr. Gray 7-1): textbook pg. 72 #'s 9-40; Acc. Math
Math (V-1): textbook pg. 78-79 #'s 21-51 odds, #'s 71-72; #'s 78-79; Acc. Math
Social Studies (7-2): Storyboard due Monday 10/10
Science (7-2): Test Friday w/ISN
Religion: Study Guide/Essay; Test on Friday

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Social Studies 7-2: Finish 5 discussion questions
Math V-1: p. 77-78 1-19 odds; Acc. Math
Math (Mr. Gray 7-1): p. 67 1-39 all
Science 7-2: Comp. books due tomorrow; test Friday
English 7-1: write argument down on graphic organizer; write the big ideas
Religion: 7 "I Am's"; Religion question on p.21
PE tomorrow
Literature: Finish worksheet if you haven't in class